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Adrian Jollow Physiotherapist, Accredited Hand Therapist

Adrian Jollow Newtown Hand Therapy

Provider No.: 2446242T WorkCover No.: 02079

MHealthSc(Physiotherapy), BAppSci(Physiotherapy), Accredited Hand Therapist (as awarded by the Australian Hand Therapy Association), APA Member

Adrian commenced his physiotherapy career at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in 1998, after completing a Bachelor Applied Science (Physiotherapy) through the University of Sydney. Commencing working the Hand Unit at RPA in June 1999, the rest is history.

With the unique challenges provided in the Hand Therapy field, Adrian has devoted over twenty years to the treatment of the hand and upper limb. He completed a Master of Health Science (Physiotherapy) majoring in Hand Therapy through the University of Sydney in 2003 and has been an active member of the Australian Hand Therapy Association (AHTA) since 2004. Adrian is an Accredited Hand Therapist as awarded by the AHTA.
Working in private practice exclusively in the field of Hand Therapy since 2002, Adrian has been privileged to work side by side with world renown hand surgeons, which has shaped the therapist he has become. Conditions such as mallet fingers, dislocated fingers, arthritic conditions, tendinopathies, fractured wrists, through to complex reconstructive post-operative management such as tendon / nerve repairs or transfers are all part of a day’s work for this hand therapist. Adrian has been involved with research in prognosis following thumb basal joint surgery. Through the AHTA, Adrian has helped regional therapists access education and professional development, has been the AHTA Historian and is currently it's Resource & Knowledge Officer, as well as one of the NSW Hand Therapy Interest Group Co-Ordinators.

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Adrian returned to Newtown in 2014, and has been managing conditions of the hand and upper limb for the people in the Inner West ever since. Newtown Hand Therapy was formed in 2016 and Adrian has been exclusively consulting in Newtown since early 2017.

Adrian has been an Associate Member of the NSW Hand Surgeons Association since 2011, is a member of Orthopaedic Outreach and is a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association. Hand Therapy has offered Adrian the opportunity to provide voluntary work in Fiji through Orthopaedic Outreach, and he has been involved with providing donated splinting materials, teaching and treating as part of the annual Myers Hand Orthopaedic Team to Lautoka Hospital since 2016.
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When not contemplating the wonders of the human hand, one of Adrian’s other passions is finding a wave and surfing whenever possible.
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Julia Wild (Locum Services)

Physiotherapist, Accredited Hand Therapist

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Julia graduated from Cumberland College Health Sciences in 1987 as a Physiotherapist. She worked at RPAH, Royal Perth and Prince of Wales Hospitals. She discovered hand therapy at Prince of Wales Hospital in 1990. It has been her passion ever since. She was Senior Hand Therapist at POWH for 4 years before opening her own private practice in1995, Southern Hand Therapy.
Julia commenced a locum Hand Therapy practice in 2019. She enjoys working in different practices from metropolitan to country. Julia became a full member of the AHTA in 1993, certified CHT in 2003 when it was first offered in Australia. She is an AHTA Accredited Hand Therapist. Julia has been involved in AHTA divisional rep in the earlier years and video the interest meetings for the rural therapists. In 2018 Julia was the Communications Officer on the AHTA Management Committee, and has also been a volunteer with Interplast in the Pacific.